Little Alchemy 2

List of All Combinations for All Items

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats
Achilleshero + immortality | immortality + warrior
acid raincity + rain | cloud + sickness | cloud + smog | cloud + smoke | rain + sickness | rain + smog | rain + smoke
Aegistool + Zeus
Aeolusair + Deity | Deity + wind
airfire + mist
airplanebat + machine | bat + metal | bat + steel | bird + boat | bird + car | bird + machine | bird + metal | bird + sailboat | bird + steam engine | bird + steamboat | bird + steel | bird + train | container + pilot | crow + machine | crow + metal | crow + steel | duck + machine | duck + metal | duck + steel | eagle + machine | eagle + metal | eagle + steel | hummingbird + machine | hummingbird + metal | hummingbird + steel | machine + owl | machine + pigeon | machine + seagull | machine + vulture | metal + owl | metal + pigeon | metal + seagull | metal + vulture | owl + steam engine | owl + steel | pigeon + steel | seagull + steel | steel + vulture
alarm clockbell + clock | bell + watch | clock + dawn | clock + sound | dawn + watch | sound + watch
alchemistgold + human | gold + philosophy
alcoholfruit + sun | fruit + wheat | juice + time | juice + wheat
algaegrass + lake | grass + pond | grass + water | plant + water
aliengalaxy cluster + life | galaxy + life | jupiter + life | life + mars | life + mercury | life + saturn | life + solar system | life + space | life + venus
allergydust + human | human + pollen
alligatorlake + lizard | lizard + river | lizard + swamp
alpacamountain goat + sheep | mountain range + sheep | mountain + sheep
ambulancecar + doctor | car + hospital
angelbird + human | human + light
anglerfishing rod + human | fishing rod + sailor
animalbeach + life | desert + life | forest + life | land + life | life + mountain | life + mountain range
AnkhBaast + tool | immortality + mummy | Maahes + tool | Ra + tool | Tawaret + tool
antanimal + grass | grass + spider
ant farmanthill + farm | anthill + jar | ant + farm | ant + glass | ant + jar
antarcticacontinent + ice | continent + snow | desert + ice | desert + snow
anthillant + container | ant + earth | ant + hill | ant + house | ant + land | ant + soil
Apple of Discordevil + fruit | evil + fruit tree
apronbaker + fabric | cook + fabric
aquariumcontainer + fish | fish + glass | glass + pond | glass + puddle | glass + water | small + swimming pool
archeologisthuman + ruins | ruins + science
archipelago2*island | island + ocean | island + sea
arcticcold + ocean | cold + sea
armadilloanimal + armor | armor + cat | armor + dog
armorfabric + metal | fabric + steel
arrowbow + wood | bullet + wood
ashcampfire + paper | campfire + rain | campfire + time | campfire + water | dawn + vampire | fire + grass | fire + mineral | fire + paper | fire + plant | fire + tree | sun + vampire
astronauthuman + jupiter | human + mars | human + mercury | human + moon | human + moon rover | human + rocket | human + saturn | human + solar system | human + space | human + space station | human + spaceship | human + venus
astronomerhuman + telescope
atmosphereair + planet | air + sky
atomic bombbig + explosion | energy + explosion | 2*explosion
auroraantarctica + electricity | antarctica + sky | arctic + electricity | arctic + sky | atmosphere + electricity | atmosphere + sun | electricity + sky
avalancheearthquake + glacier | earthquake + mountain | earthquake + mountain range | earthquake + snow | glacier + gun | glacier + sound | glacier + wave | gun + mountain | gun + mountain range | mountain range + wave | mountain + sound | mountain + wave
aviarybig + birdcage
axeblade + wood | lumberjack + tool | stone + wood | tool + wood
Baastcat + Deity | cat + immortality
Baba YagaMonster + witch
Babe the Blue Oxcow + Giant | cow + Paul Bunyan | Giant + livestock | livestock + Paul Bunyan
baconcampfire + ham | campfire + pig | fire + ham | fire + pig
bacterialife + mud | life + primordial soup | life + small
bakerbakery + human | banana bread + human | batter + human | bread + human | cookie dough + human | cookie + human | donut + human | dough + human | human + pie | human + pizza | human + toast
bakerybaker + city | baker + container | baker + house | baker + village | bread + city | bread + house | bread + village | cake + city | cake + house | cake + village | city + donut | donut + house | donut + village
bananafruit + monkey
banana breadbanana + bread | banana + dough
bandageblade + fabric | blood + fabric | fabric + sword
bankcity + gold | city + money | city + safe | container + money | gold + house | gold + skyscraper | house + money | house + safe | house + vault | money + skyscraper | safe + skyscraper
BansheeFaerie + Monster | Faerie + sound | Monster + sound
barncontainer + cow | container + goat | container + hay | container + hay bale | container + horse | container + livestock | container + pig | container + sheep | cow + house | farm + house | field + house | goat + house | hay + house | house + livestock | house + sheep
barrelcontainer + wine | wine + wood
batair + mouse | atmosphere + mouse | bird + mouse | hummingbird + mouse | mouse + sky
battercoconut milk + flour | flour + milk
batterycontainer + electricity | container + energy | electricity + mineral | electricity + ore
bayonetaxe + gun | blade + gun | gun + sword
bbqcampfire + garden | campfire + house | campfire + meat | campfire + metal | campfire + steel
beachlake + sand | ocean + sand | sand + sea | sand + water | sand + wave
beaveranimal + dam | animal + river | animal + stream | animal + wood
beeanimal + flower | animal + garden
beehivebee + container | bee + forest | bee + house | bee + tree | bee + wall | bee + wood
beekeeperbeehive + farmer | beehive + human | bee + farmer | bee + human
beeralcohol + wheat
bellhammer + metal | hammer + steel | metal + sound | sound + steel | sound + wood
bicyclechain + wheel | machine + wheel | 2*wheel
biggalaxy cluster + philosophy | galaxy + philosophy | philosophy + planet | philosophy + solar system | philosophy + sun | philosophy + universe
binoculars2*glasses | 2*telescope
birdairplane + animal | airplane + egg | air + animal | air + egg | animal + sky | dinosaur + time | egg + sky | pterodactyl + time
birdcagebird + cage | bird + container | bird + safe | bird + wall
birdhousebird + house | bird + wall | container + egg
black holedarkness + star | darkness + sun | pressure + star | pressure + sun
blademetal + rock | metal + stone | rock + steel | steel + stone
blenderblade + electricity | blade + glass | blade + motion | blade + wind turbine | blade + windmill
blizzardbig + snow | hurricane + snow | 2*snow | snow + storm | snow + tornado | snow + wind
bloodblade + human | sword + warrior
blood bagblood + bottle | blood + container | blood + sack
boatlake + wood | ocean + wood | river + wood | sea + wood | water + wood
boilercontainer + pressure | metal + pressure | metal + steam | pressure + tool | steam + tool
bonecorpse + time | corpse + vulture | corpse + wolf | meat + vulture | meat + wolf
bonsai treepottery + tree | scissors + tree | small + tree | tree + wire
bookcontainer + fairy tale | container + idea | container + legend | container + story | legend + paper | 2*newspaper | paper + wood
Book of the DeadBaast + book | book + immortality | book + Maahes | book + Ra | book + Tawaret
bottlealcohol + container | beer + container | chocolate milk + container | coconut milk + container | container + juice | container + liquid | container + milk | container + oil | container + perfume | container + soda | container + water | container + wine
boulderbig + rock | big + stone | earth + rock | hill + small | 2*rock | rock + stone
bowrope + wood | wire + wood
boxcake + container | cereal + container | container + cookie | container + crayon | container + donut | container + pencil | container + pizza
breaddough + energy | dough + fire
brickclay + fire | clay + stone | clay + sun | fire + mud | mud + sun
bridgemetal + river | metal + stream | river + steel | river + wood | steel + stream | stream + wood
broomhay + wood
bucketbottle + paint | bottle + river | box + chicken wing | chicken wing + container | container + paint | container + wood | container + yogurt
bulletcontainer + gunpowder | gunpowder + metal | gunpowder + steel | gunpowder + tool
bulletproof vestarmor + bullet | armor + gun
BunyipMonster + swamp
busbig + car | 2*car | car + city | car + train
butcherham + human | human + meat
butterenergy + milk | milk + motion | milk + pressure | milk + tool
butterflyanimal + double rainbow! | animal + flower | animal + garden | animal + rainbow
butterfly netbee + net | butterfly + net
cable carcar + mountain | car + mountain range | mountain range + rope | mountain range + wire | mountain + rope | mountain + wire
cactusdesert + plant | desert + tree | plant + sand | sand + tree
cagecontainer + hamster | fox + metal | fox + steel | fox + wall | hamster + house | hamster + wall | lion + metal | lion + steel | lion + wall | metal + wolf | steel + wolf | wall + wolf
cakebread + sugar | candle + donut | candle + dough
Calydonian BoarGiant + pig | Giant + wild boar | Monster + pig | Monster + wild boar
Camazotzbat + Deity
camelanimal + desert | animal + dune | cow + desert | cow + dune | cow + sand | desert + horse | desert + horseshoe | desert + livestock | desert + saddle | dune + horse | dune + livestock | horse + sand | livestock + sand
campfirefire + wood
candlefire + wax | flashlight + wax | lamp + wax | light + wax | thread + wax
candy canechristmas stocking + sugar | christmas tree + sugar | reindeer + sugar | santa + sugar
cannoncastle + gun | castle + gunpowder | gunpowder + pirate ship | gun + pirate ship
canvasfabric + paint
car2*bicycle | bicycle + wheel | cart + combustion engine | combustion engine + wagon | machine + motorcycle | metal + wheel | 2*motorcycle | motorcycle + wheel | steel + wheel
caramelheat + sugar
carbon dioxideanimal + oxygen | bird + oxygen | fish + oxygen | grass + night | human + oxygen | night + plant | night + tree
carrotgarden + vegetable | grass + vegetable | snowman + sun | snowman + vegetable
cartwheel + wood
cashmerefabric + mountain goat | mountain goat + scissors | mountain goat + thread | mountain goat + tool | mountain goat + wool
castlecontainer + knight | container + monarch | house + knight | house + monarch | house + vampire | house + warrior | knight + stone | knight + wall | monarch + wall | stone + warrior | vampire + wall | wall + warrior
catanimal + coconut milk | animal + milk | animal + night
catnipcat + flower | cat + grass | cat + plant
cauldroncampfire + witch | fireplace + witch | metal + pottery | metal + witch | pottery + steel | steel + witch
cavebat + container | bat + house | container + fox | container + lion | container + wolf | fox + house | house + lion | house + wolf
caviarcook + roe | roe + salt
centaurhorse + human | horse + story
cerealchocolate milk + wheat | coconut milk + wheat | milk + wheat
chainmetal + rope | metal + wire | rope + steel | steel + wire
chainsawaxe + electricity | axe + machine | axe + motion | electricity + lumberjack | lumberjack + machine
chameleondouble rainbow! + lizard | double rainbow! + snake | double rainbow! + turtle | lizard + rainbow | rainbow + snake | rainbow + turtle
Chang'eDeity + moon | Elixir of Life + moon
ChangelingFaerie + human | Goblin + human
charcoalcorpse + fire | fire + organic matter | fire + tree | fire + wood
cheesebacteria + milk | cook + milk | milk + time | milk + tool
cheeseburgercheese + hamburger | cheese + sandwich
chickenbarn + bird | barn + egg | bird + domestication | bird + farm | bird + farmer | bird + livestock | domestication + egg | egg + farm | egg + farmer | egg + livestock
chicken coopbarn + chicken | chicken + container | chicken + house | chicken + wall
chicken soupchicken wing + liquid | chicken wing + water | chicken + liquid | chicken + water
chicken wingbbq + chicken | bone + chicken
chillair + cold | cold + human | human + ice
Chimeragoat + Monster | Monster + mountain goat
chimneybrick + fireplace | brick + smoke | fireplace + house | fireplace + smoke | fireplace + stone | house + smoke | smoke + stone
Chinese DragonDeity + dinosaur | Deity + river | Deity + snake | Deity + waterfall | dragon + good | dragon + Peach of Immortality | Peach of Immortality + snake
chocolatecoconut milk + sugar | milk + sugar | oil + sugar | seed + sugar
chocolate milkchocolate + coconut milk | chocolate + milk
christmas stockingchristmas tree + wool | fireplace + wool | reindeer + wool | santa + wool
christmas treecandle + tree | gift + tree | light bulb + tree | light + tree | star + tree
cigarettepaper + tobacco
circusanimal + tent | big + tent
citybank + container | bank + post office | bank + skyscraper | big + village | container + skyscraper | post office + skyscraper | 2*skyscraper | skyscraper + village | 2*village
clayliquid + rock | liquid + stone | mineral + rock | mineral + sand | mineral + stone | mud + sand | mud + stone
clockbig + watch | container + cuckoo | electricity + sundial | electricity + time | machine + sundial | machine + time | sundial + tool | sundial + wheel | time + tool | time + wheel
closetbroom + container | container + robot vacuum | container + toolbox | container + umbrella | container + vacuum cleaner
cloudatmosphere + mist | atmosphere + water | mist + sky | sky + water
coalearth + peat | organic matter + pressure | peat + pressure | peat + rock | peat + stone | peat + time
Cockatricechicken + Monster | egg + Monster
coconutbeach + fruit | beach + vegetable | fruit + palm | meat + palm | nuts + palm | palm + vegetable
coconut milkaxe + coconut | blade + coconut | coconut + hammer | coconut + milk | coconut + sword | coconut + tool
coffincontainer + corpse | container + vampire | corpse + wood
coldhuman + mountain | human + mountain range | human + rain | human + snow | human + storm | human + wind | space + thermometer
combustion engineexplosion + machine | explosion + steam engine | machine + petroleum | petroleum + steam engine | petroleum + wheel
computercontainer + email | electricity + hacker | hacker + machine | hacker + tool | hacker + wire
computer mouseanimal + computer | computer + mouse
confettiblade + paper | paper + scissors
containerbottle + philosophy | box + philosophy | bucket + philosophy | house + philosophy | philosophy + pottery | philosophy + safe
continentbig + land | earth + land | 2*land | 2*mountain range
cookcampfire + human | fruit + human | human + nuts | human + vegetable
cookbookbook + cook | 2*recipe
cookiebaker + cookie dough | cookie cutter + cookie dough | cookie cutter + dough | cookie dough + fire | cookie dough + heat
cookie cutterblade + cookie dough | blade + dough
cookie doughchocolate + dough | cookie + dough | dough + sugar
coralbone + ocean | bone + sea | fossil + ocean | fossil + sea | ocean + tree | sea + tree
corpsearrow + human | blade + human | bullet + human | death + human | explosion + human | grim reaper + human | human + time
Cosmic EggDeity + egg
cottoncloud + plant | fabric + plant | plant + sheep | plant + thread | plant + wool
cotton candyair + sugar | cloud + sugar | sugar + thread
cowbarn + livestock | farmer + livestock | field + livestock | grass + livestock
crayondouble rainbow! + pencil | double rainbow! + wax | paint + pencil | paint + wax | pencil + rainbow | rainbow + wax
crowbird + field | bird + scarecrow | field + hummingbird | field + owl | field + pigeon | hummingbird + scarecrow | owl + scarecrow | pigeon + scarecrow
crystal ballglass + magic | glass + witch | glass + wizard | magic + snow globe | snow globe + witch | snow globe + wizard
CthulhuDeity + galaxy | Deity + galaxy cluster | Deity + solar system | Deity + space | Deity + universe | galaxy cluster + Monster | galaxy + Monster | Monster + solar system | Monster + space | Monster + universe
cuckooalarm clock + bird | alarm clock + hummingbird | alarm clock + owl | bird + clock | clock + hummingbird | clock + owl
cupbottle + milk shake | bottle + smoothie | bottle + tea | container + milk shake | container + smoothie | container + tea
Cupidangel + Deity | Deity + love
currentcold + ocean | cold + sea | heat + ocean | heat + sea | motion + ocean | motion + sea | ocean + science | science + sea
Curseevil + magic
cutting boardcook + wood
cyborgastronaut + robot | baker + robot | cook + robot | doctor + robot | electrician + robot | engineer + robot | farmer + robot | firefighter + robot | human + robot | lumberjack + robot | pilot + robot | robot + sailor
cyclistbicycle + human | human + wheel
Cyclops2*Giant | Giant + Poseidon | Giant + Zeus | mermaid + Poseidon
dambeaver + house | beaver + lake | beaver + river | beaver + stream | beaver + tree | beaver + water | river + wall | stream + wall | wall + water
darknessnight + sky | sky + twilight
dawnday + night | night + time
daydawn + time | night + sun | sky + sun | sun + time
deathcorpse + philosophy | graveyard + philosophy | grave + philosophy | life + time | philosophy + skeleton
DeityElixir of Life + human | Fountain of Youth + human | human + immortality | human + Peach of Immortality | human + Philosopher's Stone
Demonangel + evil | Deity + evil | evil + immortality | hell + human
desertcactus + sand | land + sand | lizard + sand | 2*sand | sand + vulture
dewdawn + fog | dawn + grass | dawn + plant | dawn + tree | dawn + water | fog + grass | fog + plant | fog + tree | grass + water
diamondcoal + pressure
dinosaurbig + lizard | lizard + time
Dionysusalcohol + Deity | beer + Deity | Deity + drunk | Deity + fruit | Deity + wine
diverhuman + scuba tank | lake + scuba tank | ocean + scuba tank | scuba tank + sea | scuba tank + swimmer
DjinnDemon + desert | Demon + dune | Demon + Magic Lamp | Demon + sand | Demon + sandstorm | Demon + tornado | desert + Monster | desert + Oni | dune + Monster | dune + Oni | human + Magic Lamp | Monster + sandstorm | Oni + sand | Oni + sandstorm
doctorhospital + human | human + stethoscope
dogbarn + wolf | bone + wolf | campfire + wolf | domestication + wolf | farmer + wolf | farm + wolf | field + wolf
dogecomputer + dog | dog + internet
doghousecontainer + dog | container + husky | dog + house | dog + wall | house + husky | husky + wall
domesticationanimal + farmer | animal + human | animal + science | farmer + science
Domovoidomestication + Elf | domestication + Monster | Elf + house | Goblin + house | house + Monster
don quixotehero + windmill | knight + windmill | legend + windmill | story + windmill
donutcookie dough + oil | cookie dough + wheel | dough + oil | dough + wheel
double rainbow!2*rainbow
doughflour + puddle | flour + rain | flour + water
dragonairplane + lizard | air + lizard | fire + lizard | legend + lizard | lizard + sky | lizard + story
droneairplane + robot | helicopter + robot | paper airplane + robot | robot + seaplane
drumfabric + wood | leather + wood | music + wood
drunkalcohol + human | beer + human | human + wine
dry icecarbon dioxide + cold | carbon dioxide + ice
DryadDeity + forest | Deity + orchard | Deity + tree
duckbig + duckling | bird + lake | bird + pond | bird + water | chicken + lake | chicken + pond | chicken + water | duckling + time | lake + owl | lake + pigeon | owl + pond | owl + water | pigeon + pond | pigeon + water
ducklingduck + egg
dunebeach + wind | desert + sand | desert + sandstorm | desert + wind | sand + wind
Durendalblade + Holy Water | blade + Paladin | good + sword | Holy Water + sword | Paladin + sword | Paladin + tool
dustair + earth | air + land | air + soil
dynamitecontainer + gunpowder | gunpowder + pipe | gunpowder + wire
eaglebird + mountain | bird + mountain range
earth (basic element)
earthquakecontinent + motion | earth + energy | earth + motion
eclipsemoon + sun
egg2*ant | 2*bee | 2*bird | 2*butterfly | 2*chameleon | 2*chicken | container + life | 2*crow | 2*dinosaur | 2*dragon | 2*duck | 2*eagle | 2*fish | 2*flying fish | 2*frog | 2*hummingbird | 2*lizard | 2*moth | 2*ostrich | 2*owl | 2*parrot | 2*peacock | 2*penguin | 2*phoenix | 2*pigeon | 2*piranha | 2*pterodactyl | 2*scorpion | 2*seagull | 2*snake | 2*spider | 2*turtle | 2*tyrannosaurus rex | 2*vulture | 2*woodpecker
egg timeralarm clock + egg | clock + egg | egg + watch
electric carcar + electricity | car + solar cell | car + wind turbine | electricity + wagon | solar cell + wagon | wagon + wind turbine
electric eelelectricity + fish
electricianelectricity + human | human + wire
electricitylightning + metal | lightning + steel | light + solar cell | motion + wind turbine | sandstorm + wind turbine | science + storm | solar cell + star | solar cell + sun | storm + wind turbine | wind + wind turbine
Elfbig + Faerie
Elixir of Lifebottle + immortality | bottle + Philosopher's Stone | container + immortality | immortality + liquid
emailcomputer mouse + letter | computer + letter | electricity + letter | internet + letter
energyatmosphere + fire | 2*fire | fire + science | heat + science
engineerhuman + machine | human + steam engine
EponaDeity + horse
eruptionlava + pressure | pressure + volcano | time + volcano
evilhuman + Pandora's Box
excaliburfairy tale + sword | lake + sword | legend + sword | monarch + sword | stone + sword | story + sword
excavatorbig + shovel | car + shovel
explosionelectricity + gunpowder | explosion + petroleum | fire + gunpowder | fire + petroleum | gunpowder + lightning | heat + petroleum | lava + petroleum | petroleum + pressure | petroleum + volcano | pressure + volcano
fabricmachine + thread | thread + tool | thread + wheel
factorychimney + house | house + tool
FaerieGoblin + good
fairy talecastle + story | dragon + story | knight + story | monarch + story | story + unicorn
familycontainer + love | house + human | 2*human
family treefamily + time | family + tree | tree + village
farmbarn + farmer | barn + house | container + farmer | farmer + house | house + tractor
farmerbarn + human | field + human | grass + human | human + orchard | human + pitchfork | human + plant | human + plow
Father TimeDeity + time | good + grim reaper
faungoat + human | goat + legend | goat + magic | goat + wizard | human + mountain goat | legend + mountain goat | magic + mountain goat | mountain goat + wizard
fencefield + wall | field + wood | garden + wall | garden + wood | grass + wall | wall + wood
FenrirDeity + wolf | Giant + wolf
fieldearth + farmer | earth + plow | earth + tool | farmer + land | farmer + soil | land + plow | land + tool | plow + soil | soil + tool
firealcohol + fire | coal + fire
fire extinguisherboiler + carbon dioxide | carbon dioxide + fire | carbon dioxide + metal | carbon dioxide + pressure | carbon dioxide + steel
firefighterfire extinguisher + human | firetruck + human | fire + human
fireplacebrick + campfire | campfire + container | campfire + house | campfire + wall | container + wood
firestationcity + firefighter | firefighter + house | firefighter + land | firefighter + village | firetruck + house
firetruckcar + fire | car + fire extinguisher | car + firefighter | fire extinguisher + wagon | firefighter + wagon | fire + wagon
firewallfire + wall
fireworksatmosphere + explosion | explosion + sky
fishanimal + lake | animal + ocean | animal + sea | animal + water | egg + lake | egg + ocean | egg + sea | egg + water
fishing rodfish + thread | fish + tool | fish + wire | fish + wood | piranha + thread | piranha + tool | piranha + wire | piranha + wood | swordfish + thread | swordfish + tool | swordfish + wire | swordfish + wood
flamethrowercampfire + gun | fire + gun | gun + volcano
flashlighthuman + lamp | lamp + tool | light bulb + tool | light + tool
floodbig + rain | city + river | city + tsunami | house + river | house + tsunami | lake + rain | 2*rain | rain + river | rain + time
flourrock + wheat | stone + wheat | 2*wheat | wheat + wheel | wheat + windmill
flowerdouble rainbow! + grass | double rainbow! + plant | garden + grass | garden + plant | garden + seed | grass + rainbow | grass + seed | plant + rainbow
fluteair + wood | wind + wood
flying fishair + fish | bird + fish | fish + sky
flying squirrelairplane + squirrel | air + squirrel | bird + squirrel | helicopter + squirrel | hummingbird + squirrel | pigeon + squirrel | seagull + squirrel | seaplane + squirrel
fogcity + cloud | cloud + earth | cloud + field | cloud + forest | cloud + hill | cloud + mountain
force knighthuman + light sword | knight + light sword | light sword + warrior
forestcontainer + tree | land + tree | plant + tree | 2*tree
forkpitchfork + small
fortune cookiecookie dough + paper | cookie + paper | gingerbread man + paper
fossilbone + earth | bone + rock | bone + stone | bone + time | corpse + rock | corpse + stone | dinosaur + earth | dinosaur + rock | dinosaur + stone | dinosaur + time | earth + skeleton | grave + time | rock + skeleton | skeleton + stone | skeleton + time
fountainstatue + stream | statue + water
Fountain of Youthfountain + immortality
foxanimal + chicken | animal + chicken coop | chicken coop + dog | chicken coop + wolf | chicken + dog | chicken + wolf
frankenstein's monstercorpse + electricity | corpse + legend | corpse + lightning | corpse + story | electricity + zombie | lightning + zombie
french friesfire + potato | oil + potato | oil + vegetable
fridgecold + container | cold + electricity | cold + machine | cold + metal | cold + steel | container + ice | container + ice cream | ice + metal | ice + steel
froganimal + pond | animal + puddle | egg + pond | egg + puddle
frozen yogurtcold + yogurt | ice + yogurt
fruitfarmer + orchard | farmer + tree | flower + rain | flower + time | flower + tree | flower + water
fruit treefruit + plant | fruit + tree | fruit + wood
galaxycontainer + solar system | container + star | container + supernova | 2*solar system | solar system + space | solar system + star | 2*space | space + star | 2*star
galaxy clustercontainer + galaxy | 2*galaxy
garageambulance + barn | ambulance + container | ambulance + house | ambulance + wall | barn + bus | barn + car | barn + electric car | barn + ice cream truck | barn + motorcycle | barn + rv | barn + sleigh | barn + snowmobile | barn + tractor | bus + container | bus + house | bus + wall | car + container | car + house | car + wall | container + electric car | container + ice cream truck | container + motorcycle | container + rv | container + sleigh | container + snowmobile | container + tractor | electric car + house | electric car + wall | house + ice cream truck | house + motorcycle | house + rv | house + sleigh | house + snowmobile | house + tractor | ice cream truck + wall | motorcycle + wall | rv + wall | sleigh + wall | snowmobile + wall | tractor + wall
gardencontainer + flower | 2*flower | flower + grass | flower + house | flower + lawn | flower + plant | grass + plant | house + plant | lawn + plant
gardenerfarmer + garden | garden + human
Gargoylecastle + Monster | Monster + rock | Monster + statue | Monster + stone
Garudabird + Deity | Deity + eagle | Deity + Roc
gasair + idea | air + science | energy + liquid
Gashadokurobone + Giant | bone + Monster | Giant + skeleton | Monster + skeleton
geyserearth + steam | hill + steam | mountain + steam | pressure + steam
ghostcastle + night | gravestone + legend | gravestone + night | gravestone + story | graveyard + legend | graveyard + night | graveyard + story | grave + legend | grave + night | grave + story | legend + night | night + story
Giantbig + Deity | big + Monster
giftchimney + santa | christmas stocking + santa | christmas stocking + wrapping paper | christmas tree + santa | christmas tree + wrapping paper | cookie + santa | fireplace + santa | fireplace + wrapping paper | milk + santa | santa + wrapping paper
gingerbread housecake + house | cookie dough + house | cookie + house | donut + house | dough + house | gingerbread man + house
gingerbread mancookie dough + life | cookie dough + magic | cookie dough + story | cookie + life | cookie + magic | cookie + story | dough + life | dough + magic | dough + story
glacierice + mountain | ice + mountain range | ice + time | mountain range + snow | mountain + snow
glasselectricity + sand | fire + sand | heat + sand | lightning + sand
glasses2*glass | glass + human | glass + metal | glass + steel | human + lens | 2*lens
gnomefairy tale + garden | garden + legend | garden + statue | garden + story
goatcow + hill | cow + mountain | cow + mountain range | hill + livestock | livestock + mountain | livestock + mountain range
GoblinDemon + small | evil + Faerie | Monster + small
goldalchemist + metal | alchemist + steel | butter + metal | butter + steel | light + metal | light + steel | metal + rainbow | metal + sand | metal + sun | rainbow + steel | sand + steel | steel + sun
golemclay + legend | clay + story | legend + statue | life + statue | statue + story
good (basic element)
granitelava + pressure | pressure + rock | pressure + stone
grassearth + plant | land + plant
gravecoffin + container | coffin + earth | coffin + field | coffin + forest | coffin + gravestone | corpse + earth | corpse + field | corpse + forest | grave + gravestone
gravestonedeath + rock | death + stone | graveyard + rock | graveyard + stone | grave + rock | grave + stone
graveyardcontainer + gravestone | field + grave | field + gravestone | 2*gravestone | gravestone + land | 2*grave | grave + land
Green ManDeity + grass | Deity + leaf | Deity + plant
greenhouseaquarium + grass | aquarium + plant | aquarium + tree | container + plant | garden + glass | glass + grass | glass + plant | glass + tree
Gremlinairplane + Goblin | airplane + Monster | Goblin + helicopter | Goblin + pilot | Goblin + seaplane | helicopter + Monster | Monster + pilot | Monster + seaplane
grenadeexplosion + metal | explosion + steel | explosion + warrior
Griffinlion + Monster
grilled cheesecheese + toast
grim reaperboat + scythe | corpse + scythe | death + scythe | human + scythe | river + scythe | scythe + zombie
gunbow + bullet | bow + gunpowder | bow + metal | bow + steel | bullet + container | bullet + metal | bullet + steel
gunpowdercharcoal + energy | charcoal + mineral | dust + energy | dust + fire | energy + mineral
gustair + small | small + wind
hackercomputer mouse + human | computer + human | glasses + human | human + internet
hailcloud + ice | ice + rain | ice + sky | ice + steam | ice + storm | ice + wind
hammeat + smoke | pig + smoke
hamburgerbread + meat | cheese + meat
hammermetal + tool | rock + tool | steel + tool | stone + tool | tool + woodpecker
hamsterdomestication + mouse | domestication + rat | mouse + wheel | rat + wheel
hangarairplane + barn | airplane + container | airplane + house | airplane + wall | barn + helicopter | barn + rocket | barn + seaplane | barn + spaceship | container + helicopter | container + rocket | container + seaplane | container + spaceship | helicopter + house | helicopter + wall | house + rocket | house + seaplane | house + spaceship | rocket + wall | seaplane + wall | spaceship + wall
harpangel + music | angel + musician | angel + wire | music + wire
haybarn + grass | barn + pitchfork | farmer + grass | farmer + pitchfork | farm + grass | farm + pitchfork | 2*grass | grass + pitchfork | grass + scythe | grass + sun
hay balebarn + hay | 2*hay | hay + machine | hay + tractor
heatair + energy | fire + idea | fire + science | lava + philosophy
heavenDeity + house | good + hell | good + house
hedgefence + garden | fence + leaf | fence + plant | garden + wall | leaf + wall | plant + wall
hedgehoganimal + needle | mouse + needle | needle + rat
helicopterairplane + blade | airplane + wind turbine | airplane + windmill | blade + seaplane | seaplane + wind turbine | seaplane + windmill
hellDemon + house | doghouse + Hellhound | evil + heaven | evil + house | Hellhound + house
Hellhoundanimal + Demon | animal + evil | animal + hell | Demon + dog | Demon + wolf | dog + evil | dog + hell | evil + wolf | hell + wolf
herodragon + knight | human + legend | human + lightning | human + story
hillbig + boulder | 2*boulder | boulder + earth | boulder + stone | mountain + small
hippocow + river | cow + water | horse + river | horse + water
Holy Grailcup + good | cup + immortality
Holy Watergood + water | heaven + water
honeybeehive + beekeeper | 2*bee | bee + beehive | bee + flower | bee + time
horizoncontinent + sky | earth + sky | lake + sky | land + sky | ocean + sky | sea + sky
horseanimal + field | animal + horseshoe | animal + land | animal + saddle | barn + livestock | hay + livestock | horseshoe + livestock | livestock + saddle
horseshoehorse + metal | horse + steel
hospitalambulance + house | ambulance + wall | container + doctor | doctor + house | doctor + wall | house + sickness | sickness + wall
hot chocolatechocolate milk + heat | chocolate + heat
hourglasscontainer + sand | container + time | glass + sand | glass + time | sand + time
housecontainer + family | container + fireplace | human + wall | tool + wall | 2*wall
humananimal + time | animal + tool | clay + life | monkey + time | monkey + tool
hummingbirdbee + bird | bird + butterfly | bird + flower | bird + garden | bird + small | flower + owl | flower + pigeon | flower + seagull | garden + owl | garden + pigeon | garden + seagull
hurricaneocean + storm | ocean + tornado | sea + storm | sea + tornado
huskyantarctica + dog | arctic + dog | blizzard + dog | dog + glacier | dog + ice | dog + snow
Hydralake + Monster | Monster + snake
icecold + puddle | cold + water | puddle + solid | solid + water
ice creamcold + milk | ice + milk | milk + snow
ice cream truckbus + ice cream | car + ice cream | ice cream + wagon
ice sculptureice + statue
icebergantarctica + ocean | antarctica + sea | arctic + ocean | arctic + sea | ice + ocean | ice + sea
iced teacold + tea | ice + tea
idea2*alchemist | 2*angler | 2*astronaut | 2*baker | 2*butcher | 2*cyclist | 2*diver | 2*doctor | 2*electrician | 2*engineer | engineer + light bulb | 2*farmer | 2*firefighter | 2*gardener | 2*hacker | human + light bulb | 2*knight | 2*librarian | light bulb + science | 2*lumberjack | 2*mailman | 2*monarch | 2*philosophy | philosophy + science | 2*pilot | 2*sailor | 2*science | 2*skier | 2*surfer | 2*swimmer | 2*warrior
igloocold + house | house + ice | house + snow | house + snowman
immortality (basic element)
internet2*computer | computer + net | computer + web | computer + wire
islandocean + volcano | sea + volcano
ivygrass + wall | plant + wall
jack-o-lanterncandle + pumpkin | fire + pumpkin | ghost + pumpkin | ghost + vegetable | light + pumpkin | night + pumpkin | night + vegetable | pumpkin + skeleton | skeleton + vegetable
JackalopeMonster + rabbit
jamfruit + heat | fruit + juice | fruit + machine | juice + machine | juice + sugar
jarbottle + jam | bucket + jam | container + jam | glass + jam
jerkyheat + meat | heat + steak | meat + sun | steak + sun
Jiangshicorpse + Curse | corpse + evil
Jörmungandrbig + Ouroboros | Giant + Ouroboros | Giant + snake
Jötunnarctic + Giant | cold + Giant | Giant + ice | Giant + snow
juiceearth + fruit | explosion + fruit | explosion + vegetable | fruit + pressure | fruit + rock | fruit + stone | fruit + water | pressure + vegetable | rock + vegetable | stone + vegetable | vegetable + water
jupiterbig + planet | big + saturn | cloud + planet | gas + planet | planet + storm
kaijucity + dinosaur | dinosaur + legend | dinosaur + skyscraper | dinosaur + story
KanabōOni + tool
KappaDemon + lake | Demon + river | Demon + stream | Demon + turtle
katanablade + heat | blade + ninja | blade + shuriken | ninja + sword | shuriken + sword
KelpieGriffin + horse | horse + Monster | Monster + seahorse
kiteair + paper | paper + sky | paper + wind
KitsuneDeity + fox
knifeblade + cook | cook + sword
knightarmor + human | armor + warrior | hero + warrior | horse + warrior
Krakenfish + Monster | Monster + ocean | Monster + sea | Monster + shark
Krampusevil + santa | Monster + santa
lakebig + pond | 2*pond | pond + water | sea + small
lamplight bulb + metal | light bulb + steel
landbig + soil | continent + small | 2*earth | earth + stone | 2*soil
laptopcomputer + small
lassocow + rope | goat + rope | horse + rope | pig + rope | rope + sheep | rope + wild boar
lavaearth + fire | earth + heat | earth + liquid
lava lampfire + lamp | lamp + lava | lamp + volcano
lawncontainer + grass | field + lawn mower | grass + house | grass + lawn mower
lawn mowerelectricity + scythe | field + helicopter | grass + machine | grass + tool | helicopter + scythe | machine + scythe | motion + scythe | scythe + tool | scythe + windmill
leafflower + wind | forest + wind | orchard + wind | tree + wind
leatherblade + cow | blade + pig | blade + sheep | cow + sword | cow + tool | pig + sword | pig + tool | sheep + sword | sheep + tool
legendbig + fairy tale | big + story | fairy tale + story | fairy tale + time | 2*story | story + time
lensengineer + glass | glass + tool
letterpaper + pencil
librarianhuman + library
librarybook + container | book + house
lifeelectricity + lake | electricity + ocean | electricity + primordial soup | electricity + sea | energy + primordial soup | lake + lightning | lightning + ocean | lightning + primordial soup | lightning + sea | primordial soup + storm | primordial soup + time | primordial soup + volcano
lightelectricity + flashlight | electricity + light bulb
light bulbcontainer + light | electricity + glass | glass + light
light swordelectricity + sword | energy + sword | force knight + sword | light + sword | space + sword
lighthousebeach + light | beach + spotlight | house + light | house + spotlight | light + ocean | light + sea | ocean + spotlight | sea + spotlight
lightningcloud + electricity | cloud + energy | electricity + rain | electricity + storm | energy + rain | energy + storm | land + storm
lionanimal + cat | big + cat | blood + cat | cat + monarch
liquidenergy + solid | idea + water | science + water
little alchemyalchemist + small
livestockanimal + barn | animal + domestication | animal + farmer | animal + field
lizardanimal + heat | animal + rock | animal + stone | animal + swamp | blood + cold | dinosaur + small | egg + rock | egg + stone | egg + swamp
log cabinhouse + wood
lumberjackaxe + human | chainsaw + human | human + tree | human + wood
MaahesDeity + lion
mac and cheesecheese + pasta
machineboiler + chain | boiler + tool | boiler + wheel | chain + tool | engineer + tool | 2*tool | tool + wheel
magicdouble rainbow! + life | energy + witch | energy + wizard | life + rainbow
Magic Lampcontainer + Djinn | Djinn + lamp
magmalava + science | science + volcano
mail truckcar + letter | car + mailman | car + post office
mailboxbox + letter | box + mailman | letter + metal | letter + steel | letter + wood | mailman + metal | mailman + steel | mailman + wood
mailmanhuman + letter | human + newspaper | letter + mailbox
manateecow + fish | cow + lake | cow + ocean | cow + river | cow + sea
mapcity + paper | continent + paper | hill + paper | lake + paper | land + paper | mountain range + paper | mountain + paper | ocean + paper | paper + river | paper + sea | paper + village
maple syrupheat + sap | sap + sugar
Maradarkness + Demon | darkness + Monster | Demon + night | evil + Sandman | Monster + night
marsdesert + planet | planet + rust
marshmallowscampfire + sugar
Mauiangler + Deity | archipelago + Deity | Deity + island
Maui's Fishhookfishing rod + Maui | Maui + tool
mayonnaiseegg + oil
meatanimal + axe | animal + butcher | animal + sword | animal + tool | axe + chicken | axe + cow | axe + fish | axe + flying fish | axe + frog | axe + livestock | axe + pig | axe + shark | axe + swordfish | butcher + chicken | butcher + cow | butcher + fish | butcher + flying fish | butcher + frog | butcher + livestock | butcher + pig | butcher + shark | butcher + swordfish | chicken + sword | chicken + tool | cow + sword | cow + tool | fish + net | fish + tool | flying fish + net | flying fish + tool | frog + tool | livestock + sword | livestock + tool | net + piranha | net + shark | net + swordfish | pig + sword | pig + tool | shark + sword | shark + tool | swordfish + tool
medusahero + snake | human + snake | legend + snake | snake + story
mercuryheat + planet | planet + small
mermaidfish + human | fish + legend | fish + magic | fish + swimmer | magic + swimmer
metalfire + ore | fire + stone | heat + ore | heat + stone | ore + tool
meteorair + meteoroid | atmosphere + meteoroid | day + meteoroid | meteoroid + night | meteoroid + sky
meteoroidboulder + solar system | boulder + space | boulder + sun | rock + solar system | rock + space | rock + sun | solar system + stone | space + stone | stone + sun
microscopebacteria + glass | bacteria + glasses | bacteria + lens | bacteria + safety glasses | lens + tool
milkcow + farmer | cow + liquid | cow + tool | cow + water | farmer + goat | goat + liquid | goat + tool | goat + water
milk shakeice cream + milk | ice cream + water | ice cream + yogurt
Mimicbox + Monster | container + Monster | Monster + treasure
mineralboulder + organic matter | earth + organic matter | hill + organic matter | mountain + organic matter | organic matter + rock | organic matter + stone
minotaurcow + human | cow + legend | cow + story | cow + werewolf
mirrorglass + metal | glass + steel | glass + wood
mistair + rain | air + steam | air + water
MjölnirDeity + hammer | hammer + Thor | Thor + tool
moldbacteria + bread | bacteria + fruit | bacteria + vegetable | bread + time | fruit + time | time + vegetable
monarchcastle + human | excalibur + human
moneybank + paper | diamond + paper | gold + paper
monkeyanimal + tree
Monster (basic element)
mooncheese + night | cheese + sky | earth + night | night + planet | night + stone | planet + sky | planet + stone | sky + stone | sky + time
moon rovercar + moon | electric car + moon
mossalgae + boulder | algae + rock | algae + stone | boulder + grass | boulder + plant | grass + rock | grass + stone | plant + rock | plant + stone
mothbutterfly + candle | butterfly + flashlight | butterfly + lamp | butterfly + light | butterfly + moon | butterfly + night
MothmanMonster + moth
motionidea + wind | philosophy + river | philosophy + stream | philosophy + tornado | philosophy + wind | river + science | science + stream | science + tornado | science + wind
motorcyclebicycle + combustion engine | bicycle + machine | bicycle + metal | bicycle + steam engine | bicycle + steel
Mount OlympusDeity + mountain | Dionysus + house | Dionysus + mountain | heaven + mountain | house + Poseidon | house + Vulcan | house + Zeus | mountain + Poseidon | mountain + Vulcan | mountain + Zeus
mountainbig + earth | big + hill | earthquake + hill | earth + earthquake | earth + hill | 2*hill
mountain goatgoat + mountain | goat + mountain range
mountain rangecontinent + mountain | 2*mountain
mouseanimal + cheese | barn + cheese | cheese + farm | cheese + house | cheese + wall
mousetrapblade + mouse | cheese + metal | cheese + steel | cheese + wood
mudearth + water | soil + water
mummycorpse + fabric | corpse + pyramid | fabric + pyramid | human + pyramid
musicdrum + musician | flute + musician | musician + pan flute | musician + sheet music
musiciandrum + human | flute + human | human + music | human + pan flute | human + sheet music
narwhalfish + unicorn | flying fish + unicorn | ocean + unicorn | sea + unicorn | shark + unicorn | swordfish + unicorn | unicorn + water
NecromancerCurse + witch | Curse + wizard | evil + witch | evil + wizard
Necronomiconbook + Cthulhu | book + Necromancer | Cthulhu + story
needlemetal + thread | steel + thread | thread + tool
nessiedinosaur + legend | dinosaur + story | lake + legend | lake + story
nestbird + grass | bird + hay | bird + house | bird + tree | container + egg | egg + grass | egg + hay | egg + tree
netangler + rope | fishing rod + rope | fish + rope | flying fish + rope | rope + swordfish
newspaper2*letter | 2*paper | paper + story
nightday + time | moon + sky | moon + time | time + twilight
ninjahuman + shuriken
ninja turtlekatana + turtle | ninja + turtle | shuriken + turtle
nutsdomestication + tree | farmer + tree | field + tree
oasisdesert + lake | desert + palm | desert + pond | desert + puddle | desert + river | desert + stream | desert + tree | desert + water
obsidiancold + lava | glass + lava | lava + water
oceanbig + sea | container + tide | 2*sea | sea + water
oilpressure + sunflower | stone + sunflower | sunflower + wheel | sunflower + windmill
omeletteegg + fire | egg + heat | egg + tool
OniDemon + Monster
Oozebatter + Monster | cookie dough + Monster | dough + Monster | jam + Monster | liquid + Monster | Monster + mud
optical fiberinternet + light | light + rope | light + wire
Orcbig + Goblin | Elf + Monster | evil + Orc | human + Monster
orchardcontainer + fruit tree | farmer + fruit tree | farm + fruit tree | field + fruit tree | forest + fruit tree | 2*fruit tree | fruit tree + tree
oreboulder + hammer | earth + hammer | hammer + hill | hammer + mountain | hammer + rock | hammer + stone
organic matterbacteria + death | corpse + science | death + life | life + science
origamianimal + paper | bird + paper | cat + paper | chicken + paper | cow + paper | dog + paper | duck + paper | eagle + paper | horse + paper | hummingbird + paper | lion + paper | owl + paper | paper + penguin | paper + pigeon | paper + seagull | paper + vulture
ostrichbig + bird | bird + earth | bird + sand
Ouroborosdragon + immortality | immortality + snake | Jörmungandr + small
owlbird + moon | bird + night | bird + twilight | bird + wizard
oxygenalgae + carbon dioxide | algae + sun | carbon dioxide + grass | carbon dioxide + plant | carbon dioxide + tree | grass + sun | plant + sun | sun + tree
ozoneair + electricity | atmosphere + electricity | electricity + oxygen | 2*oxygen
paintdouble rainbow! + liquid | double rainbow! + pottery | double rainbow! + tool | double rainbow! + water | liquid + pencil | liquid + rainbow | pencil + water | pottery + rainbow | rainbow + tool | rainbow + water
paintercanvas + human | human + paint | human + painting
paintingcanvas + paint | canvas + painter
PaladinDurendal + knight | Durendal + warrior | good + knight | good + warrior | Holy Grail + knight | Holy Grail + warrior | Holy Water + knight | Holy Water + warrior
paleontologistdinosaur + human | dinosaur + science | fossil + human | fossil + science
palmbeach + tree | island + tree | sand + tree
pan flute2*flute
Pandora's Boxbox + evil | box + good | container + evil | container + good | Deity + gift
paperblender + wood | machine + wood | pressure + wood | water + wood
paper airplaneairplane + paper
paper cupcup + paper
parachuteairplane + fabric | airplane + umbrella | atmosphere + umbrella | fabric + pilot | pilot + umbrella | sky + umbrella
paragliderbig + kite
parkcity + field | city + forest | city + garden | city + grass | field + village | forest + village | garden + village | grass + village
parrotbird + pirate | bird + pirate ship | pigeon + pirate | pigeon + pirate ship
pastaegg + flour
Paul Bunyanaxe + Giant | Giant + lumberjack
Peach of Immortalityfruit tree + immortality | fruit + immortality
peacockbird + double rainbow! | bird + leaf | bird + rainbow
peanut butterbutter + nuts | nuts + pressure
peatgrass + time | plant + swamp | pressure + swamp | swamp + time
pebbleearth + small | rock + small | small + stone
pegasusbird + horse | bird + unicorn | horse + sky | sky + unicorn
pencilcharcoal + wood | coal + wood
pencil sharpenerblade + pencil | blender + pencil | pencil + sword
penguinanimal + antarctica | antarctica + bird | bird + cold | bird + ice | bird + snow
penicillindoctor + mold | hospital + mold | idea + mold | mold + science
perfumealcohol + flower | alcohol + rose | alcohol + sunflower | flower + steam | flower + water | rose + steam | rose + water | steam + sunflower | sunflower + water
petroleumfossil + liquid | fossil + pressure | fossil + time | fossil + water
Philosopher's Stonealchemist + immortality | immortality + rock | immortality + stone
philosophychicken + egg | human + idea | human + story
phoenixbird + fire | death + fire | egg + fire | fire + life
picnicbeach + sandwich | fabric + sandwich | garden + sandwich | grass + sandwich | lawn + sandwich
piebakery + fruit | baker + fruit | cookie dough + fruit | dough + fruit | dough + meat
piganimal + mud | cow + mud | livestock + mud
pigeonbird + city | bird + letter | bird + skyscraper | bird + statue | bird + village
piggy bankgold + pig | money + pig | pig + pottery
pilotairplane + human | human + seaplane
pinocchiogolem + story | life + wood | story + wood
pipetobacco + tool | tobacco + wood
piranhablood + fish | fish + wolf
piratebayonet + sailor | gun + sailor | pirate ship + sailor | sailor + sword
pirate shipboat + pirate | container + pirate | house + pirate | pirate + sailboat | pirate + steam engine
pitchforkhay + metal | hay + steel | hay + tool
pizzabread + cheese | cheese + dough | cheese + wheel
planet2*continent | continent + ocean | earth + sky | earth + solar system | earth + space
planktonbacteria + ocean | bacteria + sea | bacteria + water | life + ocean | life + sea | life + water
plantalgae + earth | algae + land | big + grass | earth + seed | land + seed | life + soil | rain + soil | seed + soil | seed + water | small + tree
plasma2*heat | heat + pressure | science + star | science + sun
platypusbeaver + bird | beaver + duck | beaver + seagull
plowearth + metal | earth + steel | earth + wood | field + metal | field + steel | field + tool | field + wood
polar bearanimal + arctic | animal + ice
pollendust + flower | dust + plant | flower + wind | plant + wind
pondbig + puddle | lake + small | 2*puddle | puddle + water
popsiclecold + juice | ice + juice | juice + snow | juice + wood
PoseidonDeity + ocean | Deity + sea | Deity + water
post officecontainer + mailman | house + letter | house + mailman | 2*letter | letter + mailman | letter + wall | mailman + wall
potatoearth + vegetable
potterclay + human | human + pottery
potteryclay + tool | clay + wheel
pressure2*air | air + atmosphere | 2*atmosphere | geyser + science | 2*ocean
primordial soupearth + ocean | earth + sea | lava + ocean | lava + sea | ocean + planet | planet + sea
printercomputer + newspaper | computer + paper
prismcrystal ball + double rainbow! | crystal ball + rainbow | double rainbow! + glass | glass + rainbow
Prometheusfire + Giant
pterodactylairplane + dinosaur | air + dinosaur | bird + dinosaur | dinosaur + eagle | dinosaur + sky | dinosaur + vulture
puddlepond + small | 2*water
pumpkinfarmer + vegetable | field + vegetable | jack-o-lantern + plant | jack-o-lantern + vegetable
pyramidcontainer + mummy | desert + grave | desert + gravestone | desert + graveyard | desert + hill | desert + mountain | desert + stone
QuetzalcoatlDeity + rainforest | Deity + snake
quicksandsand + swamp
quicksilverliquid + metal
Raday + Deity | Deity + sun
rabbitanimal + carrot | 2*rabbit
raincloud + heat | cloud + pressure | cloud + water
rainbowcloud + light | light + prism | light + rain | light + water | prism + sun | rain + sun | sun + water
Rainbow SerpentDeity + double rainbow! | Deity + rain | Deity + rainbow | Jörmungandr + rainbow
rainforestforest + rain
ratanimal + pirate ship | animal + sailboat | big + mouse | city + mouse | mouse + pirate ship | mouse + sailboat | mouse + skyscraper | mouse + village
recipebakery + newspaper | bakery + paper | baker + newspaper | baker + paper | cook + paper | flour + newspaper | flour + paper | fruit + newspaper | fruit + paper | meat + newspaper | meat + paper | newspaper + vegetable | paper + vegetable
reedgrass + pond | grass + puddle | grass + river | grass + swamp | plant + pond | plant + puddle | plant + river | plant + swamp
reindeeranimal + christmas stocking | animal + christmas tree | animal + santa | christmas tree + livestock | livestock + santa
restaurantcook + house
ringdiamond + gold | diamond + love | diamond + metal | diamond + steel | gold + love | love + metal | love + steel
riverbig + stream | hill + rain | lake + motion | mountain + rain | mountain + water
rivuletmotion + puddle | small + stream
robotarmor + golem | armor + life | golem + metal | golem + steel | life + metal | life + steel
robot vacuumbroom + computer | broom + robot | computer + vacuum cleaner | robot + vacuum cleaner
Roceagle + Giant
rockbig + pebble | boulder + small | 2*pebble
rocketairplane + atmosphere | atmosphere + boat | atmosphere + car | atmosphere + machine | atmosphere + metal | atmosphere + pirate ship | atmosphere + steamboat | atmosphere + steel | atmosphere + train
roeegg + fish | egg + flying fish | egg + lake | egg + ocean | egg + sea | egg + water
roller coastercart + park | car + park | park + train | park + wagon
ropeboat + tool | pirate ship + tool | sailboat + tool | 2*thread | thread + wire | tool + wire
roseblade + flower | blade + plant | flower + love | love + plant
ruinscastle + time | city + time | farm + time | hospital + time | house + time | skyscraper + time | time + village
rulerpencil + wood
rustair + metal | air + steel | metal + oxygen | oxygen + steel
rvbus + house | car + house
sackcontainer + flour | container + letter | container + salt
saddlefabric + horse | horse + leather | horse + tool
safecontainer + gold | container + gun | gold + metal | gold + steel | metal + money | money + steel
safety glassesarmor + glasses | bulletproof vest + glasses | engineer + glasses | explosion + glasses | glasses + tool
sailboatboat + fabric | boat + wind | fabric + steamboat | steamboat + wind
sailorboat + human | human + lake | human + ocean | human + sailboat | human + sea | human + steamboat
salamanderfire + Monster | lava + Monster | lizard + Monster | Monster + volcano
saltfire + ocean | fire + sea | mineral + ocean | mineral + sea | ocean + sun | sea + sun
samuraihuman + katana
sandair + pebble | air + rock | air + stone | pebble + small | pebble + wind | rock + wind | stone + wind
sand castlebeach + castle | castle + desert | castle + dune | castle + sand
Sandmangood + Mara | Monster + sand
sandpaperfabric + sand | paper + sand
sandstoneearth + sand | rock + sand | sand + stone
sandstormdesert + motion | desert + storm | desert + tornado | desert + wind | motion + sand | sand + storm | sand + tornado
sandwichbacon + bread | bread + cheese | bread + ham | bread + meat | bread + vegetable
santachristmas stocking + human | christmas stocking + legend | christmas stocking + story | christmas tree + human | christmas tree + legend | christmas tree + story
sapblade + tree
saturnjupiter + small | planet + ring
scalpelambulance + blade | ambulance + sword | blade + doctor | blade + hospital | doctor + sword | hospital + sword
scarecrowbarn + statue | farm + statue | golem + hay | hay + human | hay + sack | hay + statue | jack-o-lantern + sack | pumpkin + sack
sciencehuman + microscope | human + telescope | human + universe
scissors2*blade | blade + paper | blade + sword | paper + sword | 2*sword
scorpionanimal + dune | animal + sand | desert + spider | dune + spider | sand + spider
scuba tankair + container | atmosphere + container | container + oxygen
scytheaxe + grass | axe + wheat | blade + grass | blade + wheat | grass + sword | sword + wheat
seabig + lake | 2*lake | lake + water | ocean + small
seagullbeach + bird | beach + pigeon | beach + rat | bird + ocean | bird + sea | ocean + pigeon | ocean + rat | pigeon + sea | rat + sea
seahorsefish + horse | horse + lake | horse + ocean | horse + sea | horse + water
sealarctic + dog | dog + lake | dog + ocean | dog + sea | dog + water
seaplaneairplane + lake | airplane + ocean | airplane + sea | airplane + water
seasicknessboat + sickness | lake + sickness | ocean + sickness | sailboat + sickness | sea + sickness | sickness + steamboat
seaweedgrass + ocean | grass + sea | lake + plant | ocean + plant | plant + sea
seedbee + pollen | flower + time | plant + pollen
SelkieMonster + seal
sewing machineelectricity + needle | electricity + thread | machine + needle | machine + thread | needle + robot | robot + thread
sharkblood + fish | blood + ocean | blood + sea | fish + wolf | ocean + wolf | sea + wolf
sheepcloud + livestock | domestication + goat | domestication + mountain goat | hill + livestock | land + livestock | livestock + wool
sheet musicbook + music | music + paper
shipwreckboat + Kraken | Kraken + pirate ship | Kraken + sailboat | Kraken + steamboat
shovelgardener + tool
shurikenblade + ninja | blade + star | metal + star | star + steel | star + sword
sicknessbacteria + human | human + sickness | human + swamp
silobank + wheat | barn + wheat | container + wheat | farm + wheat | house + wheat | safe + wheat | wall + wheat
skateboardski goggles + wheel | skier + wheel | snowboard + wheel
skeleton2*bone | bone + corpse | corpse + time
ski gogglescold + glasses | cold + sunglasses | glacier + glasses | glacier + sunglasses | glasses + skier | glasses + snow | skier + sunglasses | snow + sunglasses
skierhuman + mountain | human + mountain range | human + ski goggles
skyair + cloud | atmosphere + cloud | atmosphere + sun | moon + sun
skyscraperbig + house | cloud + house | house + sky | sky + village
sleighantarctica + cart | antarctica + wagon | arctic + cart | arctic + wagon | cart + ice | cart + snow | ice + wagon | snow + wagon
slothanimal + time | manatee + tree
smallant + philosophy | bacteria + philosophy | bee + philosophy | carbon dioxide + philosophy | confetti + philosophy | oxygen + philosophy | ozone + philosophy | pebble + philosophy | philosophy + rivulet | philosophy + scorpion | philosophy + seahorse | philosophy + spider
smartphonesmall + tablet
smogair + city | atmosphere + city | city + fog | city + smoke | fog + smoke
smokeair + fire | campfire + storm | campfire + time | campfire + water | earth + gas | fire + grass | fire + plant | fire + tree | fire + wood
smoke signalcampfire + fabric | fabric + smoke | letter + smoke
smoothieblender + fruit | cold + fruit | fruit + ice
snakeanimal + rope | animal + wire | electric eel + land
snowcold + rain | cold + steam | mountain range + rain | mountain + rain
snow globeblizzard + crystal ball | blizzard + glass | christmas stocking + crystal ball | christmas stocking + glass | christmas tree + crystal ball | christmas tree + glass | cold + crystal ball | crystal ball + ice | crystal ball + santa | crystal ball + snow | crystal ball + snowball | crystal ball + snowman | crystal ball + snowmobile | glass + santa | glass + snow | glass + snowball | glass + snowman | glass + snowmobile
snowballearth + snow | human + snow | rock + snow | snow + stone
snowboardice + surfer | ice + wood | mountain range + surfer | mountain + surfer | snow + surfer | snow + wood
snowboarderhuman + snowboard
snowmancarrot + snow | carrot + snowball | coal + snow | coal + snowball | human + snow | 2*snowball
snowmobilecar + glacier | car + ice | car + snow | glacier + motorcycle | ice + motorcycle | motorcycle + snow
soapash + oil | ash + wax | clay + oil | clay + wax | oil + wax
sodacarbon dioxide + juice | carbon dioxide + tea | carbon dioxide + water
soilearth + life | earth + organic matter | land + life | land + organic matter
solar cellelectricity + sun | energy + sun | light + tool | machine + sun | sun + tool
solar systemcontainer + jupiter | container + mars | container + mercury | container + planet | container + saturn | container + sun | container + venus | 2*planet | planet + sun
solidearth + idea | earth + science
soundair + wave | animal + wave | human + wave | wave + wolf
spacemoon + star | night + solar system | sky + solar system | sky + star | star + sun
space stationatmosphere + house | atmosphere + village | atmosphere + wall | house + space | space + village | space + wall
spaceshipairplane + space | astronaut + container | boat + space | car + space | metal + space | pirate ship + space | space + steamboat | space + steel
spaghettipasta + rope | pasta + thread | pasta + wire
sphinxdesert + statue | lion + statue | lion + stone | pyramid + statue
spideranimal + net | animal + thread | animal + web
spoonshovel + small
spotlightlight + machine | light + metal | light + steel
sprinklesconfetti + sugar | double rainbow! + sugar | paint + sugar | rainbow + sugar
squirrelanimal + nuts | mouse + nuts | mouse + plant | mouse + tree
starnight + sky | night + space | night + telescope | sky + space | space + sun | space + telescope
starfishfish + star | ocean + star | sea + star
statueastronaut + medusa | baker + medusa | boulder + hammer | butcher + medusa | doctor + medusa | drunk + medusa | engineer + medusa | farmer + medusa | firefighter + medusa | hacker + medusa | hammer + stone | human + medusa | lumberjack + medusa | medusa + mirror | medusa + pilot | medusa + sailor | medusa + surfer
steakbbq + cow | bbq + meat | cow + fire | fire + meat
steamfire + water | gas + water | heat + water | lava + water
steam engineboiler + wheel | machine + steam | steam + wheel
steamboatboat + steam engine | ocean + steam engine | pirate ship + steam engine | sailboat + steam engine | sea + steam engine
steelash + metal | charcoal + metal | coal + metal | metal + mineral
steel woolmetal + wool | steel + wool | wire + wool
stethoscopedoctor + drum | doctor + sound | doctor + tool | hospital + tool | sound + tool
stoneair + lava | earth + pressure | earth + solid
stormatmosphere + electricity | 2*cloud | cloud + electricity | rain + wind
storycampfire + human | hero + human
streambig + rivulet | motion + pond | river + small
string phonecup + thread | cup + wire | paper cup + thread | paper cup + wire
stun gunbow + electricity | bow + energy | electricity + gun | energy + gun | gun + wire
sugaralcohol + energy | alcohol + fire | beer + energy | beer + fire | energy + fruit | energy + juice | energy + wine | fire + fruit | fire + juice | fire + wine
sunday + light | day + sky | day + space | fire + planet | fire + sky | light + planet | light + sky
Sun WukongDeity + monkey | immortality + monkey | monkey + Peach of Immortality
sundialclock + light | clock + sun | day + tool | day + wheel | light + tool | light + watch | light + wheel | sun + tool | sun + watch | sun + wheel
sunflowerflower + sun | plant + sun
sunglassesbeach + glasses | day + glasses | glasses + light | glasses + sky | glasses + sun
supernovaexplosion + galaxy | explosion + space | explosion + star | explosion + sun
surferbeach + human | human + wave
sushicaviar + seaweed | fish + seaweed
swampalgae + lake | algae + pond | grass + mud | lake + reed | lake + tree | mud + reed | mud + tree | pond + reed
sweaterhuman + wool | tool + wool
swim gogglesglasses + lake | glasses + ocean | glasses + river | glasses + sea | glasses + water | lake + sunglasses | ocean + sunglasses | river + sunglasses | sea + sunglasses | sunglasses + water
swimmerhuman + pond | human + swim goggles | human + swimming pool | human + water
swimming poolaquarium + big | house + lake | house + swimmer
swordblade + metal | blade + steel | blade + wood
swordfishblade + fish | blade + shark | fish + sword | shark + sword
syringedoctor + needle | needle + tool
tabletlaptop + small
tailorhuman + needle | human + sewing machine | human + thread
tankarmor + car | car + gun | car + metal | car + steel
TawaretDeity + hippo | hippo + immortality
teaheat + leaf | human + leaf | leaf + water
telescopegalaxy cluster + glass | galaxy + glass | glass + jupiter | glass + mars | glass + mercury | glass + moon | glass + planet | glass + saturn | glass + sky | glass + space | glass + star | glass + supernova | glass + universe | glass + venus
Tengubird + Demon | bird + Monster
tentfabric + house | fabric + village | fabric + wall | fabric + wood
the one ringmagic + ring | ring + volcano
thermometerengineer + quicksilver | glass + quicksilver | quicksilver + tool
ThorDeity + lightning | Deity + storm
thread2*cotton | cotton + machine | cotton + tool | cotton + wheel
tidemoon + ocean | moon + sea | ocean + time | sea + time
time (basic element)
titanicboat + iceberg | iceberg + legend | iceberg + steamboat | legend + steamboat
toastbread + fire | fire + sandwich
tobaccofire + plant | grass + smoke | plant + smoke
toolhuman + metal | human + rock | human + steel | human + stone | human + wood | metal + wood | rock + wood | steel + wood | stone + wood
toolboxbox + chain | box + hammer | box + ruler | box + steel wool | box + tool | chain + container | container + hammer | container + ruler | container + steel wool | container + tool | safe + tool
tornadobig + wind | motion + storm | motion + wind | 2*storm | storm + wind | 2*wind
toucanbird + double rainbow! | bird + palm | bird + rainbow | owl + palm | palm + pigeon | palm + seagull
tractorcar + cow | car + farmer | car + field | cow + wagon | farmer + wagon | field + wagon
trainmetal + steam engine | steam engine + steel | steam engine + wagon | steam engine + wheel
trainyardcontainer + train | garage + train | house + train | train + wall
treasureisland + treasure map | pirate ship + treasure map | pirate + treasure map | sailor + treasure map
treasure mapisland + map | map + pirate | map + pirate ship | map + treasure
treebig + plant | container + nest | plant + time | plant + wood
treehousehouse + tree | tree + wood
trojan horsehorse + machine | horse + statue | horse + wood
trollbridge + Giant | bridge + Monster | cave + Giant | cave + Monster | Giant + mountain | Giant + mountain range | Monster + mountain | Monster + mountain range
tsunamiearthquake + ocean | earthquake + sea | explosion + ocean | explosion + sea | meteor + ocean | meteor + sea
tunnelcave + hill | cave + mountain | cave + mountain range | engineer + hill | engineer + mountain | engineer + mountain range | hill + train | mountain range + train | mountain + train
turtleanimal + beach | beach + egg | egg + sand
twilightday + night | day + time
tyrannosaurus rexblood + dinosaur | dinosaur + meat | dinosaur + monarch
ufoairplane + alien | alien + container | alien + rocket | alien + sky | alien + space station | alien + spaceship
umbrellafabric + rain | fabric + storm | rain + tool | storm + tool
unicorndouble rainbow! + horse | horse + legend | horse + magic | horse + rainbow | horse + story
universecontainer + galaxy cluster | container + space | 2*galaxy cluster
vacuum cleanerbroom + electricity | broom + machine
Valhallaheaven + Valkyrie | house + Thor | house + Valkyrie
ValkyrieDeity + warrior | Valhalla + warrior
vampirebat + human | blood + human | human + vampire
vasebottle + flower | bottle + plant | bottle + rose | container + flower | container + rose | flower + pottery | plant + pottery | pottery + rose
vaultbig + safe
vegetabledomestication + plant | farmer + field | farmer + forest | farmer + plant | field + plant
venusacid rain + planet | planet + smog | planet + volcano
villagebakery + container | bakery + house | container + house | 2*family | 2*house
vinerainforest + rope | rainforest + thread | rainforest + wire
vinegarair + wine | oxygen + wine | time + wine
Vodyanoyfrog + Monster
volcanocontainer + lava | earth + lava | fire + hill | fire + mountain | hill + lava | hill + pressure | lava + mountain | mountain + pressure
VulcanDeity + fire | Deity + metal | Deity + steel | Deity + volcano
vulturebird + corpse | bird + desert | chicken + corpse | corpse + duck | corpse + eagle | corpse + hummingbird | corpse + owl | corpse + penguin | corpse + pigeon | desert + duck | desert + eagle | desert + hummingbird | desert + owl | desert + penguin | desert + pigeon
wagoncart + cow | cart + fabric | cart + horse | cart + house | cart + wall
wall2*brick | 2*stone | 2*wood
wandpencil + wizard | sword + wizard | tool + wizard | wizard + wood
warmthair + heat | heat + human
warriorbow + human | human + sword
watchclock + human | clock + small
waterheat + ice | heat + snow
water gungun + puddle | gun + stream | gun + water
water lilyflower + lake | flower + pond | flower + puddle | flower + stream
water pipepipe + water
waterfallhill + lake | hill + river | lake + mountain | lake + mountain range | mountain range + river | mountain + river
wavehurricane + lake | hurricane + ocean | hurricane + sea | lake + storm | lake + wind | ocean + storm | ocean + wind | sea + storm | sea + wind
waxbeehive + beekeeper | beehive + blade | beehive + sword | beehive + tool | beehive + wall | bee + beehive
webcotton + spider | fabric + spider | net + spider | spider + thread
werewolfhuman + werewolf | human + wolf
wheatdomestication + grass | farmer + grass | field + grass
wheelmetal + motion | motion + steel | motion + stone | motion + tool | river + tool | stream + tool | tool + water
wild boaranimal + pig | forest + pig | hill + pig
Will-o'-the-Wisplamp + Monster | light bulb + Monster | light + Monster
windair + motion | air + pressure | atmosphere + motion
wind turbineelectrician + windmill | electricity + wind | electricity + windmill | machine + windmill
windmillflour + wind | house + wind | wall + wheel | wheat + wind | wheel + wind
windsurfersurfer + wind
winealcohol + fruit | alcohol + juice
wireelectricity + metal | electricity + rope | electricity + steel | metal + rope | rope + steel
witchbroom + cauldron | broom + human | broom + legend | broom + magic | broom + story | broom + wizard | cauldron + legend | cauldron + story
wizarddouble rainbow! + human | human + magic | human + rainbow | human + unicorn
wolfanimal + dog | animal + moon | blood + dog | dog + forest
Wolpertingerflying squirrel + Jackalope | flying squirrel + Monster | Jackalope + squirrel | Monster + squirrel
woodaxe + forest | axe + tree | chainsaw + forest | chainsaw + tree | forest + lumberjack | forest + tool | lumberjack + tree | sword + tree | tool + tree
woodpeckerbird + forest | bird + tree | bird + wood
woolblade + sheep | scissors + sheep | sheep + tool
World TurtleDeity + turtle | Giant + turtle
wrapping paperchristmas stocking + paper | christmas tree + paper | gift + paper | paper + santa
writerbook + human | human + pencil
yetiantarctica + legend | antarctica + story | glacier + legend | glacier + story | legend + mountain | legend + mountain range | mountain range + story | mountain + story
Yggdrasilheaven + tree | immortality + tree
yogurtbacteria + ice cream | bacteria + milk
ZeusDeity + Mount Olympus | Deity + sky
Zizbig + Griffin | big + phoenix
zombiebacteria + corpse | corpse + life | corpse + story | human + zombie
zooanimal + cage | animal + container