diver Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

How to make diver in Little Alchemy 2?

Video: How to make DIVER in Little Alchemy 2

Video: How to make DIVER in Little Alchemy 2
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What can you make with diver in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for diver in Little Alchemy 2

  1. fire + fire = energy
  2. water + water = puddle
  3. earth + fire = lava
  4. air + lava = stone
  5. puddle + water = pond
  6. pond + water = lake
  7. fire + stone = metal
  8. stone + stone = wall
  9. earth + metal = plow
  10. lake + water = sea
  11. wall + wall = house
  12. earth + plow = field
  13. earth + sea = primordial soup
  14. energy + primordial soup = life
  15. fire + life = phoenix
  16. phoenix + phoenix = egg
  17. field + house = barn
  18. barn + egg = chicken
  19. chicken + egg = philosophy
  20. house + philosophy = container
  21. air + container = scuba tank
  22. lake + scuba tank = diver
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats