donut Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

How to make donut in Little Alchemy 2?

Video: How to make DONUT in Little Alchemy 2

Video: How to make DONUT in Little Alchemy 2
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What can you make with donut in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine withCreate
housebakery + gingerbread house

Walkthrough for donut in Little Alchemy 2

  1. earth + earth = land
  2. earth + fire = lava
  3. water + water = puddle
  4. fire + fire = energy
  5. earth + water = mud
  6. puddle + water = pond
  7. earth + land = continent
  8. air + lava = stone
  9. fire + stone = metal
  10. pond + water = lake
  11. continent + continent = planet
  12. air + planet = atmosphere
  13. mud + stone = clay
  14. earth + metal = plow
  15. lake + water = sea
  16. atmosphere + water = cloud
  17. earth + sea = primordial soup
  18. earth + plow = field
  19. cloud + water = rain
  20. energy + primordial soup = life
  21. earth + life = soil
  22. clay + life = human
  23. rain + soil = plant
  24. human + stone = tool
  25. earth + plant = grass
  26. tool + water = wheel
  27. field + grass = wheat
  28. wheat + wheat = flour
  29. flour + water = dough
  30. dough + wheel = donut
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats